Abdul Rahman

Computer in Education (GE 1555)

Course/Learning System management

Course / Learning Management System (C/LMS)

What is C/LMS?
Course Management System or CMS can be defined as a tool that allows an instructor to post any information on the web without having to know the HTML or other computer languages. In other words, it helps you design compelling e-learning courses and online training courses. But, the best definition that best describe CMS is that, it provides an instructor with a set of tools and a framework that allows the relatively easy creation of online courses content and the subsequently teaching and management of the course including various interactions with students taking the course.

Why we use C/LMS?
CMS nowadays are taking o a similarly important role in the academic enterprise of Teaching and Learning. A CMS may contain aspects of administration (class rosters, recording grades). Plus, it also deals directly with core aspects of teaching (learning objects, class exercises, quizzes and tests). It may contain tools for real time chats or asynchronous bulletin board type communications. . In a brief way, we can say that CMS is an online learning that has all the features of Teaching and Learning in real life. It may have the administrative system similar to the one that we practise; only the difference is it is carried out by online. Furthermore, it reduces Class time spent on administrative through Roster, Site Member Photos, Sectioning, E-mail, Grade Center, Web Appointment Scheduling System and etc.

Where can we use C/LMS?
As long as you have the digital equipment such as laptop, iPad or computer you may use C/LMS and it has no boundaries, so that you may use it whenever you are as long you have the internet and those gadgets. Besides that, this system is easy and advancing quickly, so most of the tertiary educational institution using it for their students and lectures and become prominent role in teaching and learning process.  Last but not least it is suitable for students who is taking long distance learning as they can access  all the content and information for the course they are taking rather than leaving far behind because of the geographical location.

Who is using C/LMS?
In the previous paragraphs we mentioned about what is C/LMS and its function, so almost everyone in the educational field are using it both the learners and educators.

How to use C/LMS?
First thing first, you need to sign up the software. Then, you organize the content that you want to post and come out with a module. You may use the abbreviation to make it simple for the students - CI - a Content Item (an item that can be categorised and moved), DCI - a Discrete Content Item (a separate item that cannot be reused), MCI - Module Content Item (content locked within a module). Besides that, you need to create sections and categories in the software for clearer view and last but not least, fill in your course content into the sections and categories you’ve created.

The advantages of C/LMS.
There are lots of advantages of using CMS in education. It helps to spend less time on the trainees and course creation and management is automated. In spite of that, the learners can go through the material any time they want and as many times as they want. In case somebody s left behind, the instructor can personally assist that learner. The instructor also can keep checking the reports and interact with students on the Internet.

The list of C/LMS open source software:
● ACS- (www.acslearningservices.com)
● Blackboard- (www.blackboard.com)
● Certpoint- (www.certpointsystems.com)
● GeoLearning- (www.geolearning.com)
● Learn.com- (www.learn.com)
● Oracle iLearning/PeopleSoft- (http://ilearning.oracle.com)
● TEDS- (www.teds.com/products/lms.htm)
● WBT Systems- (www.wbtsystems.com)
● local universities e-learning web portal (UKM- SPIN)
● SPP @ LMS (spp.moe.edu.my)


1. Retrieved July 17, 2011 from http://www.a3webtech.com/index.php/how-to-use-cms.html
2. Retrieved July 17,2011 from http://www.eleapsoftware.com/course-management-system/
3. Retrieved July 17,2011 from http://www.astd.org/NR/rdonlyres/12ECDB99-3B91-403E-
4.Retrieved July 17, 2011from net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/DEC0302.pdf

Thinking Skill and ICT

Hi everyone, me and my partner Mohamad Firdaus Bin Jaafar chose the 3rd topic for our assignment which is 'Thinking Skill and ICT' and you might visit this link to see our discussion Thinking Skills and ICT. (Abdul Rahman Ibrahim + Mohamad Firdaus Jaafar).

From the discussion, my friends and I discussed about how does the use of ICT effect/benefit the students' thingking skill. Well,we figured out that thinking skill consists of cognitive, critical and creative thinking. So, from these three aspect we try to relate with the use of ICT and alhamdulillah. Our discussion went quite well and hoping that more people could participate in it. I think one of the effect/benefit of using ICT to the students thinking skill is they learn how to think critically when trying to look for valid information because as we all know that not everything in the internet can be trust. So, the student have to think critically to identify the best information to be used. Besides that, the use of ICT also trigger the creative thinking of the students' also. For example, the student learn how to use Microsoft Powerpoint to present their idea to the class and with the knowledge they gain, they can present in such interesting way or other word creative. Furthermore, the ICT knowledge can be used through out our life as the students may use the knowledge for other subject as well and not for one particular course. Apart from that, e might say that the ICT such as internet could make the students lazy as everything is at our fingertips. If we think from the positive site, the students might get to know a lot of thing which maybe out of the textbook content and it can open their mind and up-to-date with current issues. The library may provide reliable sources but can we make sure that the books in that building up to the lastest version nowdays and some books might not be available anymore in the library. In conclusion, I agree that the use of ICT really can integrate the students thinking skill cognitively, critically and creatively.

First Week Class

Task given:
In your blog, create your own complete notes of what you have learned today:
1. Steps on how to register
2. Reflection on what you have learned

Assalamualaikum everyone,
I just create this blog and I would like to share with you all about what I've learned during my Computer in Education class with Tengku Azlan bin Tengku Sulaiman last Tuesday, 5th July 2011.

First thing first, me and my classmate were asked to create official Google and Yahoo account and put our signature just like the instruction given to us - full name, Program BEd TESL and institution.

After that, we need to register official facebook account using either Yahoo or Google mail and I choose to use Yahoo because I find it easier as I always check my Yahoo mail rather than Google mail. In this facebook account, we need to add our classmate , course lecturer and course coordinator which is Siti Fatimah Mohd Yassin. We also need to edit the facebook setting and put our username the same as our Google or Yahoo mail. For example, www.facebook.com/sitifatimahmy  

Then we need to create a Facebook group with our name and set it to a close group. We need to invite our classmate, course lecturer and course coordinator. Besides that we need to join a yahoo group, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ge1155ipg/ and sign in with our Yahoo account and introduce ourselves in the box provided there. We also need to create a Yahoogroups for Web portfolio (learning portfolio) using our official yahoo id. Name of the group should be our matric number, our name and IPG. Then, set it to close group and invite our course lecturer and coordinator too. 

Last but not least we need to register blog by using our Google account and use our name for the blog. After that we need to edit our email signature and put our blog address (url). 

I think thats all for now. Thank you.