Abdul Rahman

Computer in Education (GE 1555)

First Week Class

Task given:
In your blog, create your own complete notes of what you have learned today:
1. Steps on how to register
2. Reflection on what you have learned

Assalamualaikum everyone,
I just create this blog and I would like to share with you all about what I've learned during my Computer in Education class with Tengku Azlan bin Tengku Sulaiman last Tuesday, 5th July 2011.

First thing first, me and my classmate were asked to create official Google and Yahoo account and put our signature just like the instruction given to us - full name, Program BEd TESL and institution.

After that, we need to register official facebook account using either Yahoo or Google mail and I choose to use Yahoo because I find it easier as I always check my Yahoo mail rather than Google mail. In this facebook account, we need to add our classmate , course lecturer and course coordinator which is Siti Fatimah Mohd Yassin. We also need to edit the facebook setting and put our username the same as our Google or Yahoo mail. For example, www.facebook.com/sitifatimahmy  

Then we need to create a Facebook group with our name and set it to a close group. We need to invite our classmate, course lecturer and course coordinator. Besides that we need to join a yahoo group, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ge1155ipg/ and sign in with our Yahoo account and introduce ourselves in the box provided there. We also need to create a Yahoogroups for Web portfolio (learning portfolio) using our official yahoo id. Name of the group should be our matric number, our name and IPG. Then, set it to close group and invite our course lecturer and coordinator too. 

Last but not least we need to register blog by using our Google account and use our name for the blog. After that we need to edit our email signature and put our blog address (url). 

I think thats all for now. Thank you.