Abdul Rahman

Computer in Education (GE 1555)

Assignement 7 : 7a (Open Office Impress) & 7b (Windows Movie Maker)

Assalamualaikum and Salam Ramadhan everyone. Hoping you all in pink of health and always in His blessing in this Ramadhan al-mubarak.

At this period, me and my partner were working on the Assignment 7 a & b together and we are trying hard to keep up with others. *really sorry for this inconvenient but we did our best and I hope that everything will be just fine.

So, this task we were asked to do the presentation using the Open Office Impress and also Microsoft Powerpoint. Besides that, we were also need to use and explore the Movie Maker software. 

In the Assignment 7a, we need to do a presentation based on our mini reasearch project using the Open Office Software. Honestly, it is not asy for me to deal with the Open Office software because I am not familiar with it and I fing it is hard to use this software but by hook or by crook I need to finish it or else. I spent a lot of time just to finish all the slides. Alhamdullilah, we still in progress.

For the assigment 7b, we alsme need to do a presentation but using the Microsoft Powerpoint but we have to include several multimedia elements.The courseware should include all multimedia elements: video (edit in Windows Movie Maker); a layered graphic/image (edit in GIMP); (custom animation; edit in GIMP) & audio (record and edit using Audacity. Alhamdulillah and thanks to my friends for teaching me on how to look for the Movie Maker download as it is not in my lappy and teach me how to use it. The same thing goes to Audacity because I've never heard of it and it takes me for a while to figure out all the button and its function.

The main thing is we still working on the Assignment 7b (Movie Maker) while the impress is already completed.

That's all for now. Have a great day everyone!!