Abdul Rahman

Computer in Education (GE 1555)

Assignment 9 : Student Database

Assalamualaikum everyone, Happy Friday and weekend is just around the corner, so as the final exam too that  will start on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday.

Alhamdulillah last night I managed to complete the last assignment which is Assignment 9 (Student Database) by using the Open Office Software. So, together with the help of Mr. Tengku NorAzlan and my fello classmates, I managed to complete it. Well, new thing to learn it may take sometime and as usual, this is my first time doing a student database.

In the database with create table and forms and fill in the table with 4 components which are the student's profile, parents, curriculum and co-curriculum.

These are the print-screen I made while completing the task and this is a new thing for me. Another beneficial knowledge to have for my future life as a teacher.

So I think that's all for now. Insya-Allah, I'll update new entry that is related to this curriculum next time. Till then, assalamualaikum.