Abdul Rahman

Computer in Education (GE 1555)

Assignment 8a (Personal Financial Management) & 8b (Students score and grade analysis)

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and Salam Ramadhan everyone

Today during our class session we did used all the time allocated to finish all the assignments starting from the Spreadsheet Assignment 8 (A & B) until Assignment 9. So, me and my classmate spent 4 hours in the computer lab with our laptop tried to finish it all by the end of the class.

Me and my partner who are still working on our Movie Maker also try our best to complete the tasks at the same time. Its like killing two birds with one stone and thanks to the our lecturer, Sir Tengku Norazlan for the explanation on how to do the Students' spreadsheet and also the financial management too by using Microsoft Excel and Calcs Open Office Software. 

While doing the personal financial using Calcs open office software which is a new thing for me, I find it is quite similar to the Microsoft Excel with all the tables and button's function. Alhamdulillah, thanks to Sir Azlan and friends for helping and guiding me to complete the task as soon as possible. Next, the assignment b which is Students' score spreadsheet by using the Microsoft Excel, I get to learn new things today. Before this I just know how to use the Excel superficially but now I know that there are so many things that can be done such as the standard deviation, average, graph, sort and filter and many more.

This is the graphs.

This is the Students' score spreadesheet

This is the personal financial management.
I think that's all for now, later I'll update on the Movie Maker things and also the database that is still in progress. Thanks for reading guys. Bye~