Abdul Rahman

Computer in Education (GE 1555)

Week 4: SSPS

Assalamualaikum everyone and salam Ramadhan.

Sorry again for the late update in my blog (still try to keep up with the pace). Last week, my team already came out with a survey on Thinking Skill and ICT : First Class Facilities Third Class Mentality in our Malaysia context and we provided 10 question to collect the data about our research. 

From the 10 question:
2 general question (Gender & Race)
4 question on their mentality
4 question on the Malaysia facilities

So, we dictributed the survey through the Gmail, so that we could collect the data in the end.  Before that, we had to conduct surveys using two different platforms; surveymonkey and googledocs. but for this data analysis, we were told to only use the data from google doc, as the survey by surveymonkey will only be used as a pilot test. After everyone answered the survey, we put all the result into the SSPS to create demography and item/question in variety format - multiple choice. Checkboxes and scale.

SurveyMonkey and Google doc (spreadsheed & Form) can be used to record and analysis the data, but for simple survey. In the future used, students need to learn a computer aided quantitative data analysis such as SPPS

p/s: Actually, it is hard to explain everyhting by words here but i hope you get what I meant. Next time, I'll try to printscreen hehehe..